Your Personal Information
This Data Protection and Privacy Statement relates solely to information supplied by you to us in whatever forms or medium. We, YSK. the Data Controller (“YSK”) respect the privacy of your personal information and will treat it confidentially and securely.
Any personal information provided by you to YSK will be used for the purpose of providing the products and services you have shown interest or requested from us and for other related purposes which may include updating and enhancing YSK’s records, understanding your automotive needs, advising you of other products and services which may be of interest to you, for purposes required by law or regulation, and to plan, conduct and monitor YSK’s business. The information collected from you by YSK will be valuable in improving the design and marketing of our range of services and related products for customer use.
Other than to those individuals and entities listed below your details will not be revealed by YSK to any external body, unless YSK has your permission, or is under either a legal obligation or any other duty to do so. For the purposes detailed above, your information may be disclosed to:
- other branches or companies in the YSK Group (ie. YSK, its subsidiaries and affiliates);
- any regulatory, supervisory, governmental or quasi-governmental authority with jurisdiction over YSK Group members;
- any agent, contractor or third party service provider, professional adviser or any other person under a duty of confidentiality to the YSK Group;
- any actual or potential participant or sub-participant in, assignee, novatee or transferee of, any of the YSK Group’s rights and/or obligations in relation to you;
- any marketing and distribution institution with which YSK has or proposes to have dealings.
The above disclosures may require the transfer of your information to parties located in countries that do not offer the same level of data protection as your home country. However, YSK will ensure that parties to whom your details are transferred treat your information securely and confidentially. YSK also pledges its intention fully to meet any internationally recognised standards of personal data privacy protection and to comply with applicable data protection and privacy laws in Malaysia. We may transfer your information if it is necessary to perform our contract with you and by providing details to YSK you are deemed to consent to any other transfers.
Information held about you is retained as long as the purpose for which the information was collected continues. The information is then destroyed unless its retention is required to satisfy legal, regulatory or accounting requirements or to protect YSK’s interests. As a general rule, the maximum retention period is 10 years.
Your Rights and How to Contact Us
You may have the right under data protection legislation on payment of a fee to request access to personal information about you held by us and to have it corrected where appropriate. If you have that right and you wish to access, correct or delete any of your personal data held by us, or if you have any questions concerning our Data Protection and Privacy Statement please contact the our Data Protection representative by contacting:-
Department: Marketing
Contacting You
In providing your telephone, facsimile number, postal and e-mail address or similar details, you agree that YSK or its appointed representatives and/or agents may contact you by these methods to keep you informed about YSK products and services or for any other reason. If you prefer not to be kept informed of YSK products and services, please contact YSK in writing to the above address.
YSK reserves the right to amend its prevailing Data Protection and Privacy Statement at any time and will place any such amendments on this Web Site. This Data Protection and Privacy Statement is not intended to, nor does it, create any contractual rights whatsoever or any other legal rights, nor does it create any obligations on YSK in respect of any other party or on behalf of any party.